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Le forum Vogalonga

Ici l'aperçu de tous les thèmes

Rameur cherche place! Rower look for a team!

Ecrit par Sebastianoricci le 01.05.2016

Ciao a tutti, Salut à tous, Hallo allerseits, Hi everybody !!!

I'm a 36 year-old sportsman, half venitian half french, I'm cool, I can row hard, and I just broke my boat !!!

I wanted to do the race with an old périssoire, but now I must admit I can't.

Is anyone can invite me to row on his boat ? I am able to row venitian style, kayak, double paddle, single paddle, anything.

Please contact me at mirefleurs@gmail.com

I can speak english, french, italian and some venitian.


Sebastian Culpo

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